Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Good times!

       Seems like things just keep coming up! I think I mentioned this before, but I have been traveling again, but before that an amazing new phone game came out. I can see I have a lot of viewers who already know me and get to this blog from facebook, but in case you don't, I really like video games! My favorite video game series of all time is Kingdom Hearts, and the game that just came out was a Kingdom Hearts phone game that seriously has better game mechanics than Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I spent the two days before I traveled playing that game, and I mean the whole day. I am already almost to the point where I have finished all the missions and need to wait for the update to continue. It is just marvelously wonderful. By the way, the name of the game is Kingdom Hearts Unchained X, but is in the app stores as KHUX. I just love playing this game so much, but I probably said that already. I just love my little character, and the fact that she looks like me, and the fact that I have a keyblade. I FREAKING HAVE A KEYBLADE! I am just so thrilled about it. You can all just totally ignore the fact that this game is only available in Japan and North America, but I can play it in China. I am magic (and I used an apk link off the internet to download it outside of the app store, which is really easy if you have something other than an iphone), so the rest of you non American or Japanese people will just have to wait for a worldwide release, which might not ever even happen.

      I can't believe I made a whole blog about Kingdom Hearts. Actually, I really can. I am just a huge fan of the game, and this blog is supposed to be about my life, right?

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