Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Summer camp in dongbaihu

      During the summer, I had the opportunity to teach English at a summer camp. We traveled to a nice resort called dongbaihu, and it was exhausting, but definitely a blast. First, let me tell you how fabulous the resort was! The rooms were very luxurious, which was a little different than I am used to. Usually when Hui and I travel, we like to save money as much as we can, so we are usually staying at a Home Inn. There was a little mix up with reservations, and two days into the camp my roommate, Ada, and I had to move to a much smaller single bed room that was a whole floor away from the kids, but it was alright.

       It was my first time working will small children, so I was really nervous, but it ended up being really fun. Though I was shy at first, the kids really started to warm up to me after they learned I could understand Chinese. I really started to bond with the kids in Ada's group. They were the youngest group in the camp, but I would say they were the best behaved, because Ada was a regular teacher in our company, and she really knew how to keep the kids out of trouble and make things go smoothly. I think I learned a lot from her and from this experience. Though I was still pretty nervous looking in front of the whole group of kids during English classes, I really got comfortable with working in our small group.
      One thing that really helped me feel comfortable was trying to learn all of their names while they were lined up waiting to go to their activities. The kids really loved it. Sometimes they would ask me to read what was on their shirts and hats and translate it to them. They were really so cute! I still remember most of their names now that I look back at the pictures.

stretching in style

      Near the end of the camp we had a bbq dinner. It was a little chaotic with all the little ones wanting to run around and search for pretty rocks in the sand instead of eat, but in the end it was a pretty fun time.

Shirley is very excited

Hank helping miss Ada

Max is soooo silly

Sweet girl Wang Xingqi

wooooow so much good food

These ladies are hopped up on sugary soda

working hard to cook the bbq Andy, Cathy, and Chu Xiaohan are helping!

chicken looks great!

Lisa has come over to say hi

Ansel found lots of pretty rocks today

Angela loves swimming

Hank found a baymax in the treasure hunt!

      I definitely had a blast with these kids. It was only one week, but it felt like much longer to me. I literally did not sit down for that entire week except to sleep and eat. I'm glad though, because I got nice and skinny! haha I was so tired when I got back to Hangzhou, and Hui took me to a nice restaurant I have always wanted to go to called 外婆家(grandma's house). It was so great, and I was so happy to be back. I had decided to go visit Hui's hometown with Judy, so it was time for me to get all ready for that. Hope you enjoyed reading, and I hope I'll see you in the next blog.

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