Thursday, March 24, 2016

Brief (hopefully) Update

      Ok, here goes. I have reached the point in my blogging where I am about to post a blog about an amazing week long trip Hui and I took to Fujian province. I have actually kind of been rushing through the previous blogs, because I was so excited to get to this one. I have hundreds of pictures, and you are getting all of them, ALL OF EM! I am just going to go blog crazy on this one. I think you are going to love it. I tried so many different foods, did a few things that were a bit out of my comfort zone, and did some things I have always wanted to do. It was just a great trip. Also, I don't know if I have said this before, but when we travel, we really travel. In the past we have been known to squeeze as many things as we possibly can into one day. I mean through this whole trip we were probably only in the hotel to shower and sleep. I think we also learned a lot about each other as a couple. I know I definitely learned that Hui has a very deep relationship with rice, but more on that later. It was completely amazing, and I really can't wait to share the whole great adventure.
See you in the next post.

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