Saturday, December 31, 2016

Our Yearly Reflections

Emma and Hui: The Year of 2016 Review
                Hello everyone, Christmas and New Year’s are right around the corner, so it’s time to look back and reflect on the events of 2016. Wow! The two of us had quite a year filled with ups and downs. Many exciting things happened, so it’s hard to know where to begin.

                I have spent a large part of this year reconnecting with old friends and traveling around China. I would say, out of all the things that happened this year, there were three major, life changing events which I will discuss in chronological order.
                I’ll be giving you the good news before the bad this year. I got engaged! Hui and I are very excited to announce that we will be getting married next December in Muncie, and again in his hometown at a to be determined date. Hui was received well by my family during our trip to America in July, so he very happily asked my father the big question. I am very excited to welcome Hui into my family in the new year!

                Second, I have started a new job. I ended my contract early due to unfair treatment, and I am now working as a professional English tutor at Hampson English in Hangzhou. I am mostly teaching one on one students, and I am really enjoying teaching children. Though my old job ended in personal threats and insults, I am looking forward to my future in this new job where I feel more professional and more needed.

                Third, just this month Hui’s grandmother has passed away. Though it hasn’t been a week yet as of the time I am writing this, there has already been a lasting impact on the family. We both took the news very badly, and it will take some time to heal.

                I can’t end this on such a sad note. To finish, I would like to talk about some awesome, non-life changing events that made this year awesome. To start off, shortly after our big trip to America, Hui and I visited his hometown in Anhui, where we climbed a massive, honest to goodness, mountain! I was scared to death, but it was so beautiful, and I felt so empowered after we finished. We spent more than eight hours climbing, and I was sore for the rest of the week, but it was so great.


                I have been to Disneyland three times this year, twice in Shanghai, and once in Hong Kong. Hui and I had the pleasure of going to Shanghai Disneyland for a discounted price a week before it officially opened to the public. It was a wonderful experience. During our second visit to Shanghai Disney during the G20 vacation, I took Hui to the fancy restaurant inside Enchanted Storybook Castle, and that was just an amazing experience well worth the money. In Hong Kong, I joined my dear classmate, Yi, for Mickey’s Not so Scary Halloween Party. We had the great luck of perfect weather and five minute lines for every ride due to a typhoon coming the next day. Anyway, I think as of this year Disney has made a super fan out of me!

                Finally, my dear friend, Judy, has moved back to China, which is also a super awesome thing. Though she is all the way up in Nanjing, I will now have many chances to go and see her. Recently Hui and I are having more and more family living close to us. I can feel our lives starting to come together.

Squeal squeak squeal

                 This year, at first, I changed my department. I don’t want to change, but I changed, and I was so sad at first and so stressful. Every day I work until 11 o’clock. Every day I’m worried I will lose my job, and every day I can’t sleep well. I always want to go to America, because I don’t want to waste my time in a building. I want to enjoy my life, because every day when I go to sleep I think I want to have a good experience, but every day I complain to my fiancé, but she just ignores me. She says don’t be stupid. So, every day has been like that for about half a year.
                 I had some big events double 11 and double 12, and every day I needed to work until 2 o’clock. I feel very tired and very bad. The good thing is they both passed very peacefully, and I feel like I have improved myself. In July something very big happened. Many people could not use alipay for a few hours. It had a big impact on my department. My boss left, and everyone was very stressful about this accident. We decided to rebuild our system, which must be online before the New Year. I need to keep working on the weekend. So, this year, I have three different bosses in almost half a year. Then, the day before double 11, another accident happened. The project I did made my company lose a lot of money. It made me understand in a financial company, every code you write has a very high risk. You must do it very seriously, and think about it a lot. Maybe it wasn’t your fault, maybe it was another department’s fault, but you need to take responsibility for it.
I went to America with my fiancé and got engaged.  I met my fiancé’s family and they were very nice. I had a great food that I never had before, especially turkey, I didn’t like the turkey so much, but I love the skin very much. I like Muncie’s environment. There aren’t very many people, and there isn’t much pollution. It let me understand one thing. Life is not just work. I hope one day I can enjoy my life, and not just work.

                    Recently, my grandma just passed away. It made me feel very useless and so small, because I didn’t talk to my grandma for a long time. I didn’t go back before she got sick, because I had to work very late. After I was back home, she had usually gone to sleep, so I feel we should treasure the members of our family.
                    I have friends nearby, so I decided in my heart. If I need to work late every day, I want to change my job in the future when I have children. I complain a lot about my job, but I still feel that it is very meaningful, and I learned a lot of things. It has been a very tough year like I have never had before. I always felt stressful.
                    This year, another thing happened, the apartment price went up this year.  The apartments nearby now cost about 3 million RMB. They are so small, and I feel it is ridiculous. I haven’t complained enough in this thing yet, so I needed to complain some more. There you go.
                    This year, I feel great, because I don’t need to go to Haining every week. My fiancé is in Hangzhou. I met a foreign guy named David, and I really liked him. He likes to complain too, and he makes me feel positive. We like to make a lot of jokes about David.
                    Ok, this is all complaining. From that you know I like complaining, but I’m just kidding. I just want to say that half of my year has been really difficult. I felt very happy about Emma moving to Hangzhou. For the first few months every weekend we usually went to Zhejiang University to run. We used to climb mountains together every Saturday morning. It was the happiest time for me.
                     Then, she find a job nearby my company. She just needs to walk 20 minutes to Hampson. At first, I felt so happy that she could get some good experience, and not just play games at a stupid school, but she needs to work on the weekends. We don’t have too much time together. It made me feel that it is quite a pity, but we are working together for a good future.
                      We went to Disney together two times, and I really liked the pirate ride. It was amazing. I also loved the turkey legs.

                            Ok, I’m finished. This is my whole year. I have a target for next year. I would like to get a promotion, buy an apartment, understand church things, and learn how to enjoy life. I will also get married on the very last day of the new year. I am so excited.

Monday, May 23, 2016

A really cute time in Shanghai

      It was spring break for the high school, so I decided to go and hang out with my lovely friend, Junlin. We decided to meet up in Shanghai and hang out there for two days, then go back to Nanjing, where she was going to school. When we were talking about what we wanted to do, it mostly involved going to really cute cafes, and that's why our whole time in Shanghai was just really super cute! After we both got to Shanghai and were all settled, we went to the Line Cafe, which was covered with the cute characters from the Japanese social media app. I loved using Line back when I was in America, and I really enjoyed all the cuteness of the cafe. I also found out that eating in a cafe is expensive! I'm glad we only got cake.

       The next day we went to the Disney store, because when do I not go the Disney store when I'm in Shanghai, and we looked at tsumtsums! They are super cute. I even saw some new tsumtsums from The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I thought were really unique and cute. I really loved the Peter Pan ones too! Junlin noticed that they were buy two get one free, so I decided to buy some! I got Chip and Dale, and one really special one! It was Pooh dressed as a monkey for Spring Festival. So cool, right?
       Another thing I want to say is, I really love the displays that they put outside of the Disney store! They are so cute and creative. During Spring festival they had Baymax everything, and they even sold Baymax hongbaos. When the flowers started blooming they had a Pooh bear outside with a bunch of beautiful sunflowers. When I went they were doing a promotion for their University Bears, so there was a giant one of those bears outside. It was cute, so I of course had to take a picture with it.

the countdown!

the clock tower is finally finished

     If you were wondering, that clock tower is pretty special. Not only is there one of these outside of this Disney store in Shanghai. It is the same clock tower that marks the entrance of Shanghai Disneyland. Oh I can't wait to see that one!

      Before we got on the train to go to Nanjing, we went to yet another cafe, this time the always adorable Hello Kitty cafe. It was in a shopping mall fancier than any I have ever seen before. I think the pictures will speak for themselves for this one. It was just really really cute. The food we got was also really super cute. We also discovered something amazing when we were in that cafe. All around China you can find these machines with Baymax on them that print photos for free. From now on I am going to look for them when I go traveling. They are so great!!!

We had a great and very cute time in Shanghai, but it was time to go to Nanjing to play. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!